

About the 11th Baltic Theriological Conference

Dear all,

Thank you for participation! The 11th Baltic Theriological conference was held online on January 26-27th, 2021 in Lithuania. The aim of 11th Baltic Theriological conference was to show trends of the Baltic theriology in mammalian ecology, fauna and distribution, mammal conservation and management, mammalian genetics, taxonomy and philogeography, parasitology, and investigation methods. 24 short and 25 full presentations were given by participants from 12 countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Respublic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Serbia and Finland.  New and inovative investigation methods were discussed nearly in all sections. Due to the online format, the possibility to present their results in a short oral presentation form was given to all young scientists for the first time. This conference opened up new opportunities in different topics for collaboration and cooperation between not only for Baltic but also for Central European countries. We would like to remind you that the results presented at this conferece can be published in the Special Issue of Sustainability (MDPI) journal. For publication possibilities please contact Ms. Queena Cui: queena.cui@mdpi.com.

Meet you in Latvia, 2023